Coaching support
I provide tailored guidance to professionals in the non-profit sector who are looking to develop or make changes within their careers. As someone who has personally navigated the experiences of making those first steps into leadership positions, and then the transition and decisions involved in career progression as a parent, I can provide empathetic and practical support to help navigate these particularly tricky career pathways. If you, or someone in your team, would benefit from support in any of the areas below, I would love to help.
Coaching areas:
Stepping into leadership
Transitioning from managing individuals, to managing teams, or directorates
Confidence building
Managing imposter syndrome
Returning to work after parental leave
Career pivoting- deciding which direction to take
Areas of expertise
Membership development
I help clients to increase growth and engagement within their membership communities. I offer a range of consulting support, including analysis, membership scheme development and evaluation, member benefit review, recruitment/engagement strategies, and managing strategic change.
Corporate partnerships
My passion for corporate partnerships lies in the potential for collaboration to drive real world change. I love bringing people from different worlds together to unlock opportunities and maximise the benefit on both sides.
Commercial strategy
Senior leadership involves constant plate-spinning and re-prioritisation- it's often very hard to step back and embark on a strategic change project. I’d love to work alongside you to provide that extra lens so you can take your organisation and its cause to the next level.
Marketing strategy & support
I provide strategic marketing support to organisations seeking sustainable growth, and I do so with a deep understanding of the challenges you face. As a CIM-qualified professional, I specialise in creating marketing strategies that are tailored to your unique needs and goals.
Get in touch
If you think I may be able to help, drop me a line on