Corporate partnerships

Accelerate growth through collaboration

My background in marketing/commercial, membership/charity, and academic publishing has proven to be really helpful in developing original and creative partnerships that benefit society while also meeting the business needs of industry and non-profit organisations alike.  And having  set up corporate partnership programmes from scratch, while working in house, I have lived that journey from gingerly reaching out to securing multi-year partnerships that bring genuine value to both parties. It wasn’t always plain sailing, and I learned a lot along the way.

What is my approach? I will meet with you and your team to hear what you want to achieve- the needs of your organisation, the barriers to growth, and the opportunities available to you- before working hard to ensure you have everything you need to initiate those important conversations. My passion lies in creating partnerships that generate real change and deliver a tangible impact on the world, whether that be through thought leadership or project work to create something new and exciting that will benefit society- it could be the launch of an important service, or the creation of an original piece of research or event that will change perceptions, behaviours, and improve lives. 

I am very flexible in the ways I can help, but some examples include researching opportunities, the creation of a strategic plan, creating a compelling case for support, writing proposals, or helping you turn a strategic goal into a partnership by joining you on the journey and cultivating those early relationships.  There is often a lot of internal change required in order to give partnerships the best chance to thrive and so I can also support clients with establishing new internal systems and processes, or hiring members of staff to ensure things run smoothly.

Organisational buy-in

A lot of what drives corporate partnerships success is organisational buy-in to the overall concept and way of working. Truly value adding partnerships will bring more than just money, they will also bring ambitious projects, new connections, and will benefit the wider cause and community beyond what you could have achieved while working alone. I will work with you to instil an understanding of, and excitement for partnerships, within your wider teams so that your programme has the best possible chance of success.

Focused on ROI

I know its not easy to secure financial investment into new initiatives, and that you will need to measure and demonstrate meaningful return. With some initial guidence, and the right processes and people in place I will work with you to ensure that your investment is strategically positioned to generate the results you need.


Working together, we can complete an external and internal review to give a clear picture of where the strategic opportunities lie. We will also explore and agree what it is you want to achieve from partnerships and how this will work within your current or future structure, ensuring that your partnerships programme supports your organisational vision for the years to come.

Areas of expertise

Membership development

Using my extensive in-house experience in the membership sector, I help clients to increase growth and engagement within their membership communities. I offer a range of consulting support, including analysis, membership scheme development and evaluation, member benefit review, membership recruitment/engagement strategies, and managing strategic change.

Corporate partnerships

I absolutely love bringing different organisations- people- together to unlock the range of opportunities available through corporate partnerships, ensuring everyone is ready to engage in those in big conversations and maximise the benefit on both sides. My passion for partnerships lies in the opportunity for collaboration to drive real world change.

Commercial Strategy

Having worked as an active member of the senior leadership team for a national membership body, I understand the organisational hurdles many leaders face in implementing strategic change to achieve growth. I’d love to help you with those ambitious next steps to take your organisation and its cause to the next level.

Get in touch

If you think I may be able to help, drop me a line on
