Membership development

Overcome membership challenges

Having worked at a senior level within two national professional membership bodies, to more recently supporting a small client to start up a membership scheme from scratch, I bring a range of experience and insight into organisations of a variety of shapes and sizes.

Consultancy support includes analysis, membership scheme development and evaluation, member benefit review, membership recruitment/engagement strategies, member journey mapping, and managing strategic change.

I’d love to chat to you about the needs of your membership organisation and if there are ways I can work with you to improve performance.

People orientated

Membership is all about people. I am a good listener, and will invest the time to get to know you, your organisation, and the needs of its membership. In order to implement lasting, positive, and strategic change it’s vital we bring everyone with us and so I will ensure that clear internal communication is central to my approach. 

Focused on ROI

All my work is focused on delivering maximum and measurable return on investment. In the world of membership this includes driving membership acquisition, ensuring high quality member engagement and experience, and increased retention and revenues. I will work with you to agree the areas you want to focus on and the most meaningful way you can measure return.


I work with clients to encourage them to think strategically and long term about the goals and aspirations they have for their organisation and its membership. You may be reviewing the structure of your scheme, opportunities within the market, or how efficient it is to run. The work we do together will involve exploring a range of strategic areas to position your scheme on the right track for healthy growth.

Areas of expertise

Membership development

Using my extensive in-house experience in the membership sector, I help clients to increase growth and engagement within their membership communities. I offer a range of consulting support, including analysis, membership scheme development and evaluation, member benefit review, membership recruitment/engagement strategies, and managing strategic change.

Corporate partnerships

I absolutely love bringing different organisations- people- together to unlock the range of opportunities available through corporate partnerships, ensuring everyone is ready to engage in those in big conversations and maximise the benefit on both sides. My passion for partnerships lies in the opportunity for collaboration to drive real world change.

Commercial Strategy

Having worked as an active member of the senior leadership team for a national membership body, I understand the organisational hurdles many leaders face in implementing strategic change to achieve growth. I’d love to help you with those ambitious next steps to take your organisation and its cause to the next level.

Get in touch

If you think I may be able to help, drop me a line on
